안철수 원장 대선 행보 ‘독자정당 창당 후 출마’ 26.9% 선호
기자 : 언론인연합… 날짜 : 2012-06-03 (일) 20:17

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권역별로는 전 지역에서 독자행보를 가장 많이 선호한 가운데 전라권과 충청권에서는 각각 42.9%, 23.6%가 선출된 야권후보와 최종 경선에 최고 응답률을 보여 차이를 나타냈다. 정당 지지도별로는 새누리당 지지 응답자 35.4%가 독자 행보, 민주통합당 지지 응답자 37.5%가 선출된 야권후보와 최종 경선, 통합진보당 지지 응답자 41.6%가 야권 대선후보 경선 참여에 각각 최고 응답률을 나타냈다.

이재환 모노리서치 차장은 “야권의 사실상 총선 패배 이후 유력 대선 주자였던 안철수 원장에 대한 기대가 기성 정치권에 대한 실망과 결합하며 근소하게 안 원장의 독자행보 지지로 이어지는 것 같다”고 밝혔다.

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장경동 망-언이 왜 공부하면 애도 아는 사기인가 바르게 알기 바랍니다

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 장경동이여 공부하면 애도 아는 양심불량 사기나 치면서 인생을 살것인가 ??

--지금은 과학의 발달로 기독교가 예전에 중요한 교리로 가르치던  천동설이 사기고 지동설이 정답인것은 초딩도 안다-

천동설 사기 지동설 V 고대신화  창조-신 창조론 사기 진화론 V

우리는 공부하면 초딩도 아는 사기를 믿고 사기나 치면서 인생을 살지 맙시다 ---양심불량 사기금지---

인간들이 공부를 하고 바른 진리와 진실을 알고 바른 진리와 진실을 믿고 사기는 믿지 말아야 한다

 인간들이 바른 진리와 진실을 알고 무지에서 벗어나야 인류의 행복과 평화가 온다네



=대한민국 국민은 아래 내용 반드시 검색해 종교 진실을 바르게 공부하기 바랍니다==종교 필수상식==
1. 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서--인생을 사기나 치면서 살지 말자 --검색해 보시고 종교 진실을 바르게 알고 맹신바보처럼 속지말고

인터넷으로 종교 진실을 바르게 많이 알려주시고 공부하면 애도 아는 양심불량 사기나 치면서 인생을 살지 맙시다!
2. 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -성경 짜집기--고대신화 베낀 성경 짜집기- 검색바람
3. 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -우리민족 하늘님 하나님 기독교 도용 사기-검색바람

4. 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -개독 목사 장경동 망언은 개독 사기다- 검색바람
5. 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -성범죄 1위 목사- 검색바람--
똥목사들이 여신도 먹고 성-범죄 1위하더니 애들까지 적반화장으로 지-랄이다 웃긴다 하하하
나는 여신도 먹고 성-범죄 1위하는 똥목사 개목사 돼지목사 보다 낫다 그만 지-랄해라 웃긴다
종교 사기치고 가장 썩은 똥들이 적반화장으로 종교 차별하고 지-랄하고 큰소리친다 웃긴다 하하하

6 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -예-수천국 불신지옥은 사기다- 검색바람
7. 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -이순신장군을 사탄이라는 개독- 검색바람
8... 인터넷 다음 네이버 검색창에서 한글로 -- 개독교 만행--- 검색바람-
9..인터넷 다음 네이버 검색창에서 --법당 소변 성당 마리아상 대변 똥칠 개독목사--검색바람 -
10.. 인터넷 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서 -진-화-론 의심은 사라질것- 검색해 보시고
뉴스 기사에서 미디어 다음 클릭하고 기사 맨 아래 네티즌 의견 읽어보십시요
대한민국 네티즌이 고대 신화 베낀 창조-신 창조론 사기치는 사기꾼보다 똑똑합니다 천만다행입니다

 다음 네이버 구글 검색창에서-개독 목사 장경동 망언은 개독 사기다-검색바람-장경동 망언이 왜 공부하면 애도 아는 사기인가 바르게 알기

바랍니다-개신교 목사 장경동은 대한민국 국민을 맹-신-바-보로 아는가 -장경동이여 대한민국 사람은 당신처럼 맹신바보가 아닙니다- 장경동 이여 공부하면 애도 아는것을 사기치지 말기 바란다 사기치는 놈들은  나쁜놈들이다-장경동이여 공부하면 애도 아는 양-심-불량 사기나 치면 서 인생을 살것인가??-우리는 공부하면 초딩도 아는 사기나 치면서 인생을 살지말자

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A gun is a device or ranged weapon designed to propel a projectile using pressure or explosive force.[1][2] The projectiles are typically solid, but can also be pressurized liquid (e.g. in water guns/cannons), or gas (e.g. light-gas gun). Solid projectiles may be free-flying (as with bullets and artillery shells) or tethered (as with Tasers, spearguns and harpoon guns). A large-caliber gun is also called a cannon.The means of projectile propulsion vary according to designs, but are traditionally effected pneumatically by a high gas pressure contained within a barrel tube (gun barrel), produced either through the rapid exothermic combustion of propellants (as with firearms), or by mechanical compression (as with air guns). The high-pressure gas is introduced behind the projectile, pushing and accelerating it down the length of the tube, imparting sufficient launch velocity to sustain its further travel towards the target once the propelling gas ceases acting upon it after it exits the muzzle. Alternatively, new-concept linear motor weapons may employ an electromagnetic field to achieve acceleration, in which case the barrel may be substituted by guide rails (as in railguns) or wrapped with magnetic coils (as in coilguns).

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The MetaMask portfolio is more than just a digital wallet; it's your gateway to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). With its user-friendly interface and robust features, MetaMask Login simplifies the complexities of managing multiple cryptocurrencies. The portfolio feature in MetaMask provides real-time tracking of your assets' values, helping you make informed decisions based on market fluctuations.

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MetaMask," which is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and browser extension. MetaMask allows users to manage their Ethereum-based assets, interact with decentralized applications (DApps), and securely store private keys.

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Ledger Live Wallet es una billetera de criptomonedas segura y fácil de usar diseñada para administrar y salvaguardar sus activos digitales. Con Ledger Live Wallet, puede almacenar, enviar, recibir y administrar de forma segura múltiples criptomonedas, todo en un solo lugar. Ledger Wallet es una solución líder de billetera de hardware que proporciona almacenamiento y administración seguros para criptomonedas. Con sus sólidas funciones de seguridad, Ledger Wallet garantiza la protección de sus activos digitales al almacenar claves privadas fuera de línea, lejos de posibles amenazas en línea.

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In order to help you protect your wallet against any kind of fraud and hacking incidents, MetaMask allows you to encrypt your wallet with a MetaMask sign in password. This password helps you to access your wallet as and when you need to. This wallet password is created at the time you first set up your wallet or at the time you import or set up your wallet. It is pretty easy to complete the MetaMask sign in process if you have the correct password with you. 
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Trezor wallet es una billetera de criptomonedas de hardware que proporciona almacenamiento seguro para activos digitales. Almacena claves privadas fuera de línea. Exodus Wallet es una billetera de criptomonedas versátil que brinda a los usuarios almacenamiento seguro y administración intuitiva de una amplia gama de activos digitales.
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One of the standout features of Magic Eden Wallet is its emphasis on security. Utilizing state-of-the-art encryption techniques, Magic Eden Wallet ensures that your private keys and sensitive information are safeguarded against unauthorized access. Magic Eden Wallet | Magic Eden Wallet

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Ledger Wallet is a hardware wallet offering secure offline storage for cryptocurrencies. With strong security measures and a user-friendly interface, it provides a safe and convenient solution for managing digital assets. By storing private keys offline, it protects against online threats, offering peace of mind to users. Compatible with Ledger Live software, it allows easy access and management of various cryptocurrencies.
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Ledger Wallet is a hardware wallet offering secure offline storage for cryptocurrencies. With strong security measures and a user-friendly interface, it provides a safe and convenient solution for managing digital assets. By storing private keys offline, it protects against online threats, offering peace of mind to users. Compatible with Ledger Live software, it allows easy access and management of various cryptocurrencies.
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There are several reasons why MetaMask Chrome Extension is popular as the safest wallet extension or wallet application all around the world. Most of the time whenever there is an ongoing scam in the wallet account, people tend to assume that someone hacked into their system. 

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Das Unternehmen, das Trezor-Hardware-Wallets herstellt, SatoshiLabs, hat auch die Trezor Bridge-Software entwickelt. Es fungiert als Verbindungsglied für die Kommunikation zwischen dem Computer des Benutzers und der Trezor-Hardware-Wallet. Trezor Bridge ermöglicht eine sichere Kommunikation zwischen dem Trezor-Gerät und dem Trezor-Wallet und ermöglicht Kunden einen schnellen Zugriff auf die Verwaltung ihrer Kryptowährungsbestände auf höchstem Sicherheitsniveau. Trezor Bridge

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Metamask Extension is a software cryptocurrency wallet used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain.
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Trust wallet ist eine mobile Kryptowährungs-Wallet, die eine breite Palette digitaler Assets unterstützt. Es soll Benutzern eine sichere und bequeme Möglichkeit bieten, ihre Kryptowährungen zu speichern, zu verwalten und auszutauschen. Die Trust wallet extension bietet Benutzern die volle Kontrolle über ihre privaten Schlüssel und stellt sicher, dass sie jederzeit Eigentümer und Kontrolle über ihre digitalen Vermögenswerte behalten.
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Exodus Wallet est un portefeuille de crypto-monnaie sûr et sécurisé, mais il est aussi sûr et sécurisé que l'ordinateur sur lequel il réside et les pratiques que vous suivez. Exodus n'a aucune connaissance des actifs blockchain des utilisateurs, et toutes les clés et données de transaction sont stockées sur l'appareil de l'utilisateur, garantissant ainsi confidentialité et sécurité.
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Trezor Bridge est un logiciel qui permet aux utilisateurs de connecter leur portefeuille matériel Trezor à leur ordinateur via USB. Il facilite la gestion sécurisée des crypto-monnaies en offrant une interface conviviale pour effectuer des transactions et gérer les actifs numériques. Téléchargez Trezor Bridge dès maintenant pour sécuriser vos fonds et simplifier vos opérations crypto.
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Ledger Live login is the magical key to unlocking your online crypto financial journey using the hardware Ledger Wallet. This robust platform is designed to cater the crypto enthusiasts who have a desire to own their digital assets access and handling.

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ATrust Wallet Extension si Trust Wallet a sorti une extension de navigateur depuis lors, je recommande de visiter leur site officiel ou les listes de magasins d'applications pour trouver les informations les plus précises et à jour à ce sujet. De plus, vous pouvez vérifier les canaux de communication officiels de Trust Wallet, tels que leur blog ou leurs comptes de médias sociaux, pour tout annonce ou détail concernant de nouveaux produits ou extensions qu'ils ont pu lancer.
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Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the way we perceive and transact with money. With the increasing adoption of digital currencies, the need for seamless and secure payment solutions has become paramount. One such innovative solution is the Crypto.com Card, offering users the ability to spend their cryptocurrency holdings just like traditional fiat currencies. Crypto.com Card | Crypto.com Arena

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WalletConnect is an open-source protocol that allows secure communication between decentralized applications (dApps) and cryptocurrency wallets. It enables users to interact with dApps on various blockchain platforms directly from their mobile or desktop wallets, without the need for browser extensions or additional software.

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Eigenlayer stands as a pioneering protocol within the Ethereum ecosystem, redefining blockchain technology with its groundbreaking features. Through shared security, decentralized sequencers, and light node bridges, Eigenlayer significantly improves network scalability and efficiency, prioritizing data availability and censorship resistance.

Ledger Live serves as a robust software solution tailored for securely managing cryptocurrency assets. This versatile platform enables users to seamlessly access, send, receive, and manage various digital currencies, all through an intuitive interface. With real-time updates on portfolio balances and transactions, Ledger Live offers comprehensive oversight and control over one's cryptocurrency holdings.

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Eigenlayer Login stands at the forefront of innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem, revolutionizing blockchain technology with its advanced features, By introducing shared security. Eigenlayer Login enhances network scalability and this platform ensures a robust and resilient infrastructure for decentralized applications and transactions.
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Ledger Live App is a powerful tool for managing your Ledger hardware wallet. It has an easy-to-use interface that lets you securely buy, sell, exchange, and grow your cryptocurrency holdings. Ledger.com/Start is the official guide for setting up your Ledger hardware wallet. Whether you're new to cryptocurrency or already experienced, Ledger.com/Start makes the setup process simple and helps you manage your crypto assets with confidence.
tuco 2024-07-05 (금) 16:58

Capital One login provides secure access to your Capital One account, allowing you to manage your credit cards, bank accounts, loans, and other financial services. With a user-friendly interface, you can check balances, make payments, view transactions, and monitor account activity. Enhanced security features ensure your personal and financial information remains protected. Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login | Capitalone Login

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tuco 2024-07-11 (목) 22:26
Wallet Connect is an open-source protocol that allows users to connect their mobile cryptocurrency wallets to decentralized applications (dApps) seamlessly. It facilitates secure interactions by establishing an encrypted connection, enabling transactions, and signing operations without exposing private keys, ensuring enhanced security and a smooth user experience in the crypto ecosystem.
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MetaMask Extension is a popular cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (dApps). It enables users to manage Ethereum-based assets, securely store private keys, and seamlessly interact with blockchain networks directly from their web browsers. With a user-friendly interface, it supports token transactions, NFT management, and access to decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, ensuring enhanced security and convenience. MetaMask Chrome Extension | MetaMask Chrome
willam 2024-08-07 (수) 02:21
MetaMask Chrome has become a vital tool for crypto enthusiasts. This browser extension offers a secure and user-friendly way to manage your digital assets. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, MetaMask Chrome simplifies your crypto transactions.


wewew 2024-08-08 (목) 15:19
Wallet Connect acts as a bridge which connects the decentralized applications (dApps) to your wallet. In other words, we can say that it is an open-source protocol that allows your wallet to interact with several decentralized applications.


tuco 2024-08-09 (금) 09:39
The Zerion Wallet Extension and Phantom Wallet Extension are essential tools for managing DeFi and Solana blockchain assets. Zerion offers real-time portfolio tracking and asset swapping for DeFi users, while Phantom provides secure token management and staking on Solana. Both extensions ensure seamless and efficient interactions with their respective blockchain ecosystems. Zerion Wallet Extension | Phantom Extension
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wrer 2024-08-13 (화) 19:01
Trezor Bridge is a vital application that connects your Trezor hardware wallet to your computer. This software facilitates a secure link between your wallet and the Trezor Wallet application via your web browser. Trezor Bridge ensures that all data transmitted between your wallet and computer is encrypted, maintaining the security of your cryptocurrency transactions and account management. Trezor.io/Start is the essential platform for setting up your Trezor hardware wallet. It provides a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help you configure your device correctly. The site offers easy-to-follow instructions, making the setup process simple and secure. By following the prompts on Trezor.io/Start.
tuco 2024-08-16 (금) 09:50
MetaMask Extension is a browser add-on that serves as a cryptocurrency wallet and gateway to decentralized applications (dApps). It allows users to store, send, and receive Ethereum-based tokens securely. With an intuitive interface, MetaMask enables easy access to decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and blockchain networks, making it a crucial tool for Web3 enthusiasts. MetaMask Extension | MetaMask Extension
koe 2024-08-16 (금) 20:18

Ledger.com/start is the official starting point for setting up your Ledger hardware wallet. This platform provides clear, step-by-step guidance to help you initialize your device securely and effectively. Whether you’re new to cryptocurrency or an experienced user, Ledger.com/Start walks you through the entire setup process, ensuring your digital assets are protected from the beginning.

Trezor Suite is an all-in-one software solution designed to enhance the management of your Trezor hardware wallet. With a clean, intuitive interface, Trezor Suite allows you to easily send, receive, and monitor your cryptocurrency assets. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and provides real-time data on your portfolio's performance.

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Roylinnaa 2024-09-06 (금) 14:10

The TronLink Wallet Extension is a browser extension that allows users to manage their TRON (TRX) and TRC-based tokens directly from their web browser. It serves as a bridge between the TRON blockchain and decentralized applications (dApps), enabling users to interact with dApps securely and conveniently.In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency, having a reliable and secure wallet is crucial. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, the Tronlink Wallet Extension is a tool that can make managing your assets easier and safer. In this article, we’ll dive deep into what the Tronlink Wallet Extension is, its features, how to install and use it, and why it might be the right choice for you.The Tronlink Wallet Extension is a browser extension designed to provide a seamless and secure way to manage Tron (TRX) and other TRC-based tokens. It’s a gateway to the Tron blockchain, allowing users to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies, as well as interact with decentralized applications (DApps) built on the Tron network.

Tronlink Wallet Extension | Coin98 Wallet

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sdfs 2024-09-10 (화) 19:33

Coin98 Wallet is a decentralized finance (DeFi) wallet that allows users to manage, trade, stake, and exchange cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains. It's designed to serve as a gateway to various DeFi services, supporting a wide range of tokens and blockchain networks. Coin98 Wallet

The TronLink Wallet is a popular cryptocurrency wallet extension specifically designed for the Tron blockchain (TRX). It allows users to store, send, receive, and manage TRX and other tokens based on the Tron network, like TRC10 and TRC20 tokens. Tronlink Wallet Extension

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